Cell Name | Field Definition | Data Type | M/O/C | Example |
1 | RecordType
| The type of the Record which shall always contain the value RD03.01 . | Fixed String | M | RD03.01
2 | OtherRevenueDetailsRecordId
| The Identifier of this other revenue details Record which shall be specific to the RevenueReport message. | String | M | LK13MC
3 | AllocatedPartySummaryRecordId
| The identifier of the allocated party summary Record to which this Record provides details. | String | M | A13HG65
4 | TerritoryOfRevenueGeneration
| The territory in which the revenue was generated. | AVS: AllTerritoryCode | O | DE
5 | UseType
| A type of usage that a licensee of the relevant music licensing company has made of the resource and for which the revenue has been generated. | Multiple AVS: UseType | O | Broadcast|Stream
6 | LicenseeName
| The name of the licensee of the relevant music licensing company whose output has generated the revenue. | String | O | BBC
7 | LicenseeId
| The PartyId of the licensee the relevant music licensing company. | PartyID | O | ISNI::0000000081266409
8 | UsageSourceName
| The name of the source of usage reporting that has been used to allocate revenue to the resource. | String | O | BBCOne
9 | UsageSourceId
| The PartyId of the UsageSource . | PartyID | O | ISNI::0000000081266409
10 | UsageStartDate
| The date of the start of the usage period to which the revenue which is the subject of the Record relates, in ISO 8601 format. This is a string with the syntax YYYY[-MM[-DD]]. | Date | O | 2014-12-31
11 | UsageEndDate
| The date of the end of the usage period to which the revenue which is the subject of the Record relates, in ISO 8601 format. This is a string with the syntax YYYY[-MM[-DD]]. | Date | O | 2014-12-31
12 | RecipientRevenueType
| A description of the type of revenue that indicates on behalf of whom the revenue was collected. | AVS: RecipientRevenueType | O | PerformerOnlyRevenue
13 | RevenueSourceType
| A type of revenue earned by the resource, according to the way the revenue is generated. | AVS: RevenueSourceType | O | PaymentFrom
14 | RevenuePoolName
| A description of the type of licensee, whether a single licensee or multiple licensees, which forms the source of the revenue being allocated. | String | O | Small Webcasters
15 | BasisForRevenueAllocation
| A description of the nature of the data used to determine the distribution of revenue, for example a usage log or a full census. | AVS: BasisForRevenueAllocation | O | MarketShare
16 | ReallocationFromNonQualifyingPerformance
| Revenue allocated to a performance which does not qualify for equitable remuneration and is re-allocated to the rights controller. | Decimal | O | 1.24
17 | CollectingMlcGrossAmount
| The gross amount of revenue collected by the collecting music licensing company's in the CurrencyOfAccounting (as communicated in the relevant RS01.01 Record). This amount is the aggregate of all collecting music licensing company amounts in the relevant revenue details Records. | Decimal | O | 1152.24
18 | PayingMlcGrossAmount
| The gross amount of revenue being paid by the paying music licensing company's gross amount in the CurrencyOfAccounting (as communicated in the relevant RS01.01 Record). This amount is the aggregate of all paying music licensing company amounts in the relevant revenue details Records. | Decimal | M | 1152.24
19 | CollectingMlcCommission
| The collecting music licensing company's amount of commission or administrative fee(s) in the CurrencyOfAccounting (as communicated in the relevant RS01.01 Record). This amount is deducted from the CollectingMlcGrossAmount and is therefore a negative number. An adjustment to commission or administrative fee(s), which will be added to the CollectingMlcGrossAmount , can be expressed by using a positive number. | Decimal | O | -52.24
20 | PayingMlcCommission
| The paying music licensing company's amount of commission or administrative(s) fee in the CurrencyOfAccounting (as communicated in the relevant RS01.01 Record). This amount is deducted from the PayingMlcGrossAmount and is therefore a negative number. An adjustment to commission or administrative fee(s), which will be added to the PayingMlcGrossAmount , can be expressed by using a positive number. | Decimal | O | -52.24
21 | CollectingMlcSocialCultural Deduction
| The collecting music licensing company's social and cultural deduction amount in the CurrencyOfAccounting (as communicated in the relevant RS01.01 Record). This amount is deducted from the CollectingMlcGrossAmount and is therefore a negative number. An adjustment to social and cultural deduction(s) to the CollectingMlcGrossAmount can be expressed by using a positive number. | Decimal | O | -4.16
22 | PayingMlcSocial CulturalDeduction
| The paying music licensing company's social and cultural deduction amount in the CurrencyOfAccounting (as communicated in the relevant RS01.01 Record). This amount is deducted from the PayingMlcGrossAmount and is therefore a negative number. An adjustment to the social and cultural deduction(s) to the PayingMlcGrossAmount can be expressed by using a positive number. | Decimal | O | -4.16
23 | CollectingMlcAdministrationCost Deduction
| The collecting music licensing company's deduction for administration costs in the CurrencyOfAccounting (as communicated in the relevant RS01.01 Record). This amount is deducted from the CollectingMlcGrossAmount and is therefore a negative number. An adjustment of the administrative costs to the CollectingMlcGrossAmount can be expressed by using a positive number. | Decimal | O | -2.16
24 | PayingMlcAdministrationCostDeduction
| The paying music licensing company's deduction for administration costs in the CurrencyOfAccounting (as communicated in the relevant RS01.01 Record). This amount is deducted from the PayingMlcGrossAmount and is therefore a negative number. An adjustment to the administrative costs to the PayingMlcGrossAmount can be expressed by using a positive number. | Decimal | O | -2.16
25 | CollectingMlcOtherDeduction
| The collecting music licensing company's other deduction amounts in the CurrencyOfAccounting (as communicated in the relevant RS01.01 Record). If several values are specified, the types of such values need to be provided in CollectingMlcOtherDeductionTypeCell . The order of the individual data elements in CollectingMlcOtherDeduction and CollectingMlcOtherDeductionTypeCells shall be the same so that the recipient is able to relate them correctly. These amounts are deducted from the CollectingMlcGrossAmount and are therefore negative numbers. An adjustment of the other deductions to the CollectingMlcGrossAmount can be expressed by using a positive number. | Multiple Decimal | O | -52.24|-72.66
26 | CollectingMlcOtherDeductionType
| The type of deductions specified in the CollectingMlcOtherDeduction Cell. This only needs to be provided if several values are given in CollectingMlcOtherDeduction Cell. The order of the individual data elements in CollectingMlcOtherDeduction and CollectingMlcOtherDeductionType Cells shall be the same so that the recipient is able to relate them correctly. A value in this Cell is mandatory if there is a value in the CollectingMlcOtherDeduction Cell. | Multiple String | C | TradeUnion|Culture
27 | PayingMlcOtherDeduction
| The paying music licensing company's other deduction amounts in the CurrencyOfAccounting (as communicated in the relevant RS01.01 Record). If several values are specified, the types of such values need to be provided in PayingMlcOtherDeductionType Cell. The order of the individual data elements in PayingMlcOtherDeduction and PayingMlcOtherDeductionType Cells shall be the same so that the recipient is able to relate them correctly. These amounts are deducted from the PayingMlcGrossAmount and are therefore negative numbers. An adjustment of the other deductions to the PayingMlcGrossAmount can be expressed by using a positive number. | Multiple Decimal | O | -52.24|-72.66
28 | PayingMlcOtherDeductionType
| The type of deductions specified in the PayingMlcOtherDeduction Cell. This only needs to be provided if several values are given in the PayingMlcOtherDeduction Cell. The order of the individual data elements in PayingMlcOtherDeduction and PayingMlcOtherDeductionType Cells shall be the same so that the recipient is able to relate them correctly. A value in this Cell is mandatory if there is a value in the PayingMlcOtherDeductionType Cell. | Multiple String | C | TradeUnion|Culture
29 | Collecting MlcInterest
| The collecting music licensing company's interest amount in the CurrencyOfAccounting (as communicated in the relevant RS01.01Record). This amount is added to the CollectingMlcGrossAmount and is therefore a positive number. An adjustment, of the interest to the CollectingMlcGrossAmount can be expressed by using a negative number. | Decimal | O | 52.24
30 | PayingMlcInterest
| The paying music licensing company's interest amount in the CurrencyOfAccounting (as communicated in the relevant RS01.01 Record). This amount is added to the PayingMlcGrossAmount and is therefore a positive number. An adjustment of the interest to the PayingMlcGrossAmount can be expressed by using a negative number. | Decimal | O | 52.24
31 | CollectingMlcWithholdingTax
| The collecting music licensing company's withholding tax amount for the total withholding tax in the CurrencyOfAccounting (as communicated in the relevant RS01.01 Record). If there is one value in this Cell no value is given in the CollectingMlcWithholdingTaxType Cell. If there are one or more specific withholding taxes values in this Cell there must be one or more values CollectingMlcWithholdingTaxType Cell. If several values are specified in this Cell, it is mandatory to provide values in CollectingMlcWithholdingTaxType Cell. The order of the individual values in CollectingMlcWithholdingTax and CollectingMlcWithholdingTaxType shall be the same so that the recipient is able to relate them correctly. This amount is deducted from the CollectingMlcGrossAmount and is therefore a negative number. An adjustment of the withholding tax to the CollectingMlcGrossAmount can be expressed by using a positive number. | Multiple Decimal | O | -52.24|-42.5
32 | CollectingMlcWithholdingTaxType
| The type of withholding tax specified in the CollectingMlcWithholdingTax Cell. Values in this Cell only need to be provided if several values are given in CollectingMlcWithholdingTax Cell. If there is a single value in the CollectingMlcWithholdingTax Cell, no value shall be provided in the CollectingMlcWithholdingTaxType . The order of the individual values in the CollectingMlcWithholdingTax and CollectingMlcWithholdingTaxType Cells shall be the same so that the recipient is able to relate them correctly. | Multiple String | O | Interest|Royalty
33 | PayingMlcWithholdingTax
| The paying music licensing company's withholding tax amount for the total withholding tax in the CurrencyOfAccounting (as communicated in the relevant RS01.01 Record). If there is one value in this Cell no value is given in the PayingMlcWithholdingTaxType Cell. If there are one or more specific withholding taxes values in this Cell there must be one or more values PayingMlcWithholdingTaxType Cell. If several values are specified in this Cell, it is mandatory to provide values in the PayingMlcWithholdingTaxType Cell and the order of the individual data elements in PayingMlcWithholdingTax and PayingMlcWithholdingTaxType Cells shall be the same so that the recipient is able to relate them correctly. This amount is deducted from the PayingMlcGrossAmount and is therefore a negative number. An adjustment of withholding tax to the PayingMlcGrossAmount amount, can be expressed by using a positive number. | Multiple Decimal | O | -42.5|-52.24
34 | PayingMlcWithholdingTaxType
| The type of withholding tax specified in the PayingMlcWithholdingTax Cell. This only needs to be provided if several values are given in PayingMlcWithholdingTax Cell. If there is a single value in the PayingMlcWithholdingTax Cell, no value shall be provided in the PayingMlcWithholdingTaxType . The order of the individual values in PayingMlcWithholdingTax and PayingMlcWithholdingTaxType Cells shall be the same so that the recipient is able to relate them correctly. | Multiple String | O | Interest|Royalty
35 | CollectingMlcVAT
| The VAT amount of the collecting music licensing company in the CurrencyOfAccounting (as communicated in the relevant RS01.01 Record). This amount is added to the CollectingMlcGrossAmount amount and is therefore a positive number. An adjustment of the VAT to the CollectingMlcGrossAmount can be expressed by using a negative number. | Decimal | O | 13.5
36 | PayingMlcVAT
| The VAT amount of the paying music licensing company in the CurrencyOfAccounting (communicated in the relevant RS01.01Record). This amount is added to the PayingMlcGrossAmount and is therefore a positive number. An adjustment of the VAT to the PayingMlcGrossAmount amount, can be expressed by using a negative number. | Decimal | O | 13.5
37 | NetAmount
| The final amount of revenue due following all deductions and/or additions to the relevant music licensing company’s gross amount in the CurrencyOfAccounting (communicated in the relevant RS01.01 Record). | Decimal | O | 1152.24
38 | Comment
| A free-text description relating to the data in this RS02.01 Record. This Cell should not be populated with data that should be provided in an existing Cell of the Record. | String | O |